

Original price was: €19.99.Current price is: €9.99. / month

Our FIRE STARTER subscription is currently discounted to just €9.99 per month and includes access to all our eLearning courses.

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About this Subscription

UP Academy’s FIRE STARTER is a taster of what we are about. It includes a unique package of short courses providing introduction to an array of contemporary topics. The FIRE STARTER package is of particular interest to those wishing to work on their professional and personal growth in order to significantly improve their effectiveness and performance at work. This not only ups the individual’s level in their career progression but also fast tracks our striving to become the best version of themselves.

Each course consists of a 30 minute presentation of the topic split into bit-sized segments making it easy to follow. At the end of the course participants can complete a short quiz testing their knowledge acquired during the sessions.

Topics addressed include inter alia:

  • Communication
  • Building Confidence
  • Time Management
  • Stress Management
  • Conscious Culture
  • Conquering Conflict
  • Embracing Change
  • Effective Decision Making
  • Employee Engagement
  • Leadership
  • Emotional Intelligence

In addition, subscribers get access to our mailshot and monthly newsletter providing insights into the latest thinking in a wide portfolio of issues challenging businesses leaders and employees.

Our FIRE STARTER subscription is currently discounted to just €9.99 per month and includes:

  • Access to Mailshot
  • Monthly Newsletter (tips and resources)
  • Free access to all short courses

Who this is for?

The UP Academy FIRE STARTER package is essentially aimed at those aspiring individuals who are looking to up their level in both their knowledge and professional performance.

This Starter enables anyone looking at taking their career the next level by offering a taster of contemporary topics and issues connected with personal development and growth